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WFMY TV interview with Inverse Condemnation Attorney and Property Owner

Alma McCarty, WFMY News 2 Reporter, interviews one of the Northern Beltway property owners & Matthew Bryant, the North Carolina Inverse Condemnation Attorney who spearheaded the Map Act Corridor cases, on this week’s North Carolina Court of Appeals ruling. Links to the Court of Appeals’ full opinion is located in previous blogs. The link below includes a written report. In that report, Mr. Byrant states “The decision today says, enough, pay these people without further delay. And those are exact words, ‘without further delay.'” Hendrick Bryant law firm represents the landowners suing NCDOT for compensation. “The Department of Transportation cannot dodge the bullet anymore,” said Bryant, “Just because it is expensive, does not mean you can delay it.” Property owners and their attorneys plan to move forward at the trial court level now. The DOT had requested and received a stay on the trial court’s order that the DOT plat, appraise, and deposit funds on the inversely condemned property. That stay has been lifted by the NC Court of Appeals.

Hendrick Bryant Nerhood Sanders & Otis, LLP 723 Coliseum Dr. Ste. 101 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Telephone: (336)723-7200 Facsimile: (336)723-7201 Will Caveats & Fiduciary Abuses/ Condemnation Cases / Business drafting, Litigation & Collections


[category: NC Eminent Domain Attorney] [tags: Map Act Corridor Litigation]

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